Saturday, 6 February 2010

Repeat 'Til Fade

Hello, I'm back, please feign awareness of my absence, and the year is already accelerating downhill towards Spring.

Lovely break in Cuba, of which I may speak when I have something suitably pithy and glib to reductively label it with.
I've also come back lighter than I went (I got absolutely massive over the Summer and Autumn last year), this is a good fact, thanks to my continued work with a revolutionary diet plan- less food, more exercise, no alcohol. Who would have ever thought a crackpot scheme like that could work?

Anyway, I'm back with a new idea to work on (as well as some old ones to keep flogging away at), so I'll probably continue being a rubbish correspondent for a little while, but while you're waiting for all-new mildly disappointing material from me I've come back to discover BBC Radio 7 is re-running No Tomatoes again, some of my mildly disappointing 2007 material, a fourth airing (which I believe now, means I'm due some extra money). Episode 2 is still on-line until about midnight on Sunday.

Hope to have more for you soon.

1 comment:

Stuart Douglas said...

You seem to have attracted something of an oriental following Ian, if the comment above mine is to be believed (and why wouldn't it be?).

That's a good thing - it's China's century after all (or so the Daily Express that a man at work reads and leaves lying in the canteen tells me - also, FYI, climate change is all a lie told by spoilsports and boffins, somebody killed Princess Di on purpose, and the name Maddie needs always to be printed in RED CAPS).